Modelling Project
More of a business plan than actual modelling.
Final goal: print-on-demand plastic models in hobby shops.
Behavior cycle:
- Customer browses web site or "flip book" of models available
- Orders the model to be printed (including colors?)
- "Print" is added to queue of 3d printer in-house at the hobby shop
- (customer twiddles thumbs...goes to lunch...grabs a cup of coffee...need a way to make this time profitable to the hobby shop)
- "Print" of model pieces finishes
- customer takes model pieces home to put the model together.
Target audience:
- model builders
- model collectors (pre-built models can just be "printed" in completed form)
- flexibility
- colors for individual pieces
- different materials for individual pieces
- different sizes (scaling of the 3d model)
- individual pieces can be printed, instead of the whole model
- expanded "inventory"
- more models in less space
- hard-to-find models
- hard-to-find parts
- open the market to "the little guys" - allow people to sell their own, unique designs
- on-demand parts
- possibly cheaper parts
- shift manufacturing costs to on-site
- quality 3d printer
- buy-in from the hobby shops
- model licensing
- "big boys" (existing model makers like Ertl, AMT, Tyco...) who already have licenses from movie/tv studios
- "little guys" - hobbyist designers and 3d modellers who would have a much tougher "uphill battle" to get their designs to market.
- parts breakdown and recombination (to buy just one part or to specify different colors for each part, we need each individual part identified; it is assumed that printing multiple parts is more efficient than one-at-a-time, so automated "layout" for multiple parts would be useful)
- automated "scaling" to allow for different sizes
- revenue scheme (paired to licensing)